More Drawings

Adding new Drawings

Drawings are key images made of a Texture and a Material Instance. Adding a new Drawing will be useful to describe the action of your characters. Its icon looks like this:


Drawings are represented by a diamond.


Drawings can be added in differents ways, depending on if you work from a Board Sequence or a Shot Sequence.

From the Board Sequence

Move the cursor further in the Sequencer from the current Drawing key position. Then hover the Shot and click on this icon to add a new Drawing.


If the Timeline area for the Board Sequences is too zoomed out, the icons above will not be visible anymore and will be replaced by a double arrow:


From the Shot Sequence

If you have opened the Shot Sequence, the icon to create a new Drawing will be displayed in the Sequencer’s Toolbar.

If a Plane is selected, or if the Shot Sequence only has one Plane, the Drawing key will be created immediately at the position of the cursor in the Timeline. If the Shot Sequence is made of several Planes and none is selected, a pop-up menu will ask you what Plane shall create the new Drawing.


Flip Drawings

Then, you can use arrows to flip between Drawings within the Shot Sequence.


Drawings’ exposure

Drawings can be moved to adjust the exposure of each Drawing.


Delete Drawings

If you don’t want to keep a Drawing, right click on the coresponding dimaond to delete it.



Never, ever, use Delete or Backspace or you might delete the Plane and its reference to the Level and Sequence, which can cause a crash.

The Light Table

If you need to see by transparency the previous and the next Drawing, you can activate the light table (onion skin) by clicking on the bulb icon.

See below the difference when we flip an animation with the light table off and on:


From the Board Sequence

When hovering the Plane, you will see the bulb icon to switch on or off the light table.


When you don’t need the light table anymore, click on the bulb again to switch the light table off.


If the light table is not visible, this may come from the fact the Timeline area is too narrow. In that situation, zoom in (use Ctrl + Alt + RMB) or use the double arrown icon when hovering the Plane:


From the Shot Sequence

Just like Drawings, the icon to toggle on and off the light table is located in the Sequencer’s Toolbar.

If a Plane is selected, or if there is only one Plane, the light table will be immediatelly toggled on or off. If there are several Planes and none is selected, a popup menu will ask you the Plane to be affected.


Edit light table’s Material

You can change the colour of the light table by clicking on the geat icon in the Toolbar of the Sequencer:
