Detached Planes

By default, Planes are attached to the Camera. It means that if you move the Camera, Planes will follow the Camera. In some cases, it might not be an interesting feature, for instance if a character is placed in the environment and the Camera does a dolly or a traveling move.

The only solution then is to detach the Plane off the Camera. To do so, click on this icon:

  • in the Board View, in the corresponding Plane

  • in the Shot View, after selecting the right Plane


Once detached, if the World Outliner is active, you will realise the detached Plane won’t be attached the to Camera anymore.



The only way then to cancel this decision is to re-attach the Plane manually. However, pay attention: its coordinates may have changed a lot and re-attaching the Plane might place it in an awkward position, especially if you added a Transform Track.

../../_images/advanced-detach-outliner-reattaching.png ../../_images/advanced-detach-outliner-reattached.png