Step 10 - Notes¶
Note Tracks can be used for multiple reasons: dialogues, actions, intern notes for the staff, explanations, questions, etc. Notes can either belong to the Board Sequence or to the Shot Sequence .
Board Track Notes¶
Just like we proceeded with Audio Tracks, Notes will be added thanks to the Track menu of the Sequencer:

Notes will be added at the bottom of the Sequence, under Audio and Shot Sequences. Click on the “+” icon to display a pop-up where you can directly write content.

Then hit [Enter] on your keyboard to create the Note Track (and the Note Asset in the Content Browser).

If you need to edit the note, hold the click on the text area to write something else.

Then, hit [Enter] on your keyboard to confirm the new text.
Shot Track Notes¶
Notes can also be added directly within a Shot. To do so, hover the Shot to display a “+” icon in the middle of the purple area between the Shot’s thumbnail and its first plane:

Contrary to Notes created in the Board with the Track menu, you won’t be able to directly type it. You will have to edit it.
Edit Notes¶
Notes can be edited if you click on this icon (which is displayed when you hover the mouse on the Shot):

…or if you do a right click on the Note Track and select Edit.

A new panel will open to edit and customise your notes. In the first row, you will be able to change the text.

You will notice other options below which will allow you to customise your Notes. That way, you can make the difference between various note types (dialogues, actions, information, etc). You can even use Font Materials.

Then, do not forget to save to apply the changes.
Display Notes¶
Notes are automatically displayed in the Sequencer, but they can also be display on the Viewport or as a Camera overlay!
To do so, click on the Note icon at the top-right corner to select the display option: