Render Sequence from the Sequencer

When working with a sequence in the Sequencer, you will have the possibility to render it thanks to this icon.


The three tiny dots at the right of this icon allows you to switch between 4 different modes:




Movie Render Queue

This mode shall be used with Level Sequences. It allows you to configure anything to render the sequence, from the file format to the lights parameters.

Storyboard Render Queue

This mode is derivated from Movie Render Queue and shall be used with Board and Shot Sequences. In addition of the Movie Render Queue settings, it also allows you to render a sequence with FFmpeg library.

Storyboard Export

This mode shall be used with Board Sequences. It exports the storyboard as an image sequence with a specific file pattern or as a PDF file.

Movie Scene Capture (legacy)

This mode is the “fast and easy” mdoe to render a Level Sequence, but it lacks a lot of features. As a legacy feature, it might disappear in the near future.