Resampling Methods

Odyssey Brushes use stamps that are made of pixels. And, as long as the stamp keeps its size and angle, you won’t have to bother with Resampling Methods.

But let’s be honnest, chances are that you will need to create brushes whose the size and angle will vary with your stroke. Resampling Methods are there to help you to modify your stamp with the best “efficiency vs accuracy” ratio.


When a stamp gets rotated, what is the best Resampling Method?

Resampling Method can be found under Transform nodes “Rotate”, “Transform”, “Rescale”, “Rescale Uniform”, “Resize”, “Resize Uniform”, “Shear” and “Flip X, Y or XY”.


To give a better understanding of Resampling Methods, we will use 2 different source Stamps:

../../../_images/odysseybrush-optimization-resampling-stickman.png ../../../_images/odysseybrush-optimization-resampling-colouredgrid.png

To compare both methods and results, feel free to open each image separately in your web browser.