Vector Scene Tree View

The Vector Scene Tree View is composed of 2 parts: a part with all the elements created at the top, and a part with the details and settings of the selected element.



In this area, you will see the tree of all the objects (paths, shapes) and groups created in the Vector Layer as a scene.


The organisation of the tree is quite similar to a layer stack: the elements in the foreground are at the top, the elements in the background are at the bottom.

Contextual Menu

Make a right click on one or several elements to display this panel:

  • Rename: rename 1 selected element.

  • Make Paint Group: make a group of objects to be painted with the Paint Bucket.

  • Group: make a group of objects, not to be painted.

  • Ungroup: ungroup the objects from the Group or Paint Group (Paint Bucket won’t apply any more to the objects).

  • Copy: copy selected elements.

  • Paste: paste selected elements (from a Layer to another, or from a Cell to another).

  • Copy Transformation: copy transformations values from 1 selected element (translation, rotation, position).

  • Paste Transformation: paste transformation values to 1 selected element.

  • Delete Selection: delete selected objects and groups.

Selection details

Under the tree, you can find the details of the selection, either as:

  • Objects (paths, shapes)

  • Paint Groups

  • or Groups




  • Joint Type: choose the type of joint for sharp vertices.


Joint Type









  • Mitter Limit:

Mitter is the default Joint Type. The lower value, the smaller tip.


Limit value






Click on the rectanlge to select a brush among the array:


Close then the panel to see the result:


Use the mode “None” to get back to the original “penbrush” look.


Give a name to the object.


Use Translation X / Y, Scaling X / Y and Rotation to modify the position, size and rotation of the object. Using the Transform tool will affect the values here.


  • Visible: hide the outline of the object. If a paint bucket was applied, the filling will remain visible.

  • Foreground Color: click here to change the color of the outline.

  • Background Color: not used.

Paint Groups

A Paint Group is a group of objects (paths and shapes) to be painted with the Paint Bucket. By default, a Vector Layer always contains a Paint Group named “Scene”.


Paint Group Options

  • Painted: apply Paint Buckets when enabled.

  • Monochrome: when enabled, the boolean hides colors from the Paint Buckets and shows all outlines (unless the option Visible is off).

  • Monochrome Color: change the color of the monochrome filter.

  • Gap Tolerance: increase or decrease the tolerance of a gap betwheen 2 paths:


Gap Tolerance







  • Wireframe Color: change the color of the Wireframe Mode (to be activated directly on the Vector Layer).


  • Realtime: enable this feature to see in realtime all changes brought to the Paint Group (this feature needs more ressources from your computer!)



Change the name of the Paint Group

Use Translation X / Y, Scaling X / Y and Rotation to modify the position, size and rotation of the object. Using the Transform tool will affect the values here.


  • Visible: hide the whole Paint Group.

  • Foreground Color: not used.

  • Background Color: change the color of the background of the whole Scene. Will only work with the main Scene, not with other Paint Groups.


Groups can be used to group objects like paths and shapes (but cannot be colorised with the Paint Bucket).


Name of the Group.


Use Translation X / Y, Scaling X / Y and Rotation to modify the position, size and rotation of the object. Using the Transform tool will affect the values here.


  • Visible: hide the whole Group.

  • Foreground Color: not used.

  • Background Color: not used.