Create Assets & Open a 2d Editor

Open the Content Drawer

By default, if you have chosen to create a project “2D drawing & Texturing” or “2D animation”, you will directly start with a 2D editor. Creating a new asset requires you to access the Content Drawer of Odyssey. To do so, click at the bottom left button or use the shortcut Ctrl + Space.


To know more about the Content Drawer, please read this lesson.

Create a Texture 2D

Make a right-click on the Content Drawer on the empty area to display a pop-up menu. Then, go to the sub-menu “ILIAD” and click on “Texture”. A window will ask you then to enter the Texture 2D settings.

../_images/CreateTexture2DAsset.png ../_images/CreateTextureAsset.png




Enter the name of your Texture. According to the naming convention, they should be like “T_TextureAssetName”

Width | Height

Choose the size of your texture in pixels. If the Texture will be used with a Material to modify a 3D object, we strongly advise you to pick up a size that is a multiple of 2 (i.e. 128 x 128, 256 x 512, 2048 x 1024, etc).


This dropdown menu will let you choose the image format : Grey 8 (only grey value in 8 bit), BGRA 8 (Blue Green Red Alpha in 8 bit), BGRE 8 (Blue Green Red Exponent in 8 bit), RGBA 16 (Red Green Blue Alpha in 16 bit) and RGBA 16 F (Red Green Blue Alpha in 16 bit float). If you don’t know what Format to use, keep the defaul value.


Choose the color of the bakcground. It can be transparent, White or Purple (for Normal Map).

Then click on “Create Asset” to confirm your choice.

If you need to rename your Texture, hold the click on the Texture’s default name to modify it. Then, hit Enter on your keyboard to confirm your choice.


Create a Flipbook

Make a right-click on the Content Drawer on the empty area to display a pop-up menu. Then, go to the sub-menu “ILIAD” and click on “Flipbook”.


Create an Animation

Make a right-click on the Content Drawer on the empty area to display a pop-up menu. Then, go to the sub-menu “ILIAD” and click on “Animation”. A window will ask you then to enter the Animation settings.

../_images/CreateAnimationAsset.png ../_images/CreateAnimationAsset2.png




Enter the name of your Texture. According to the naming convention, they should be like “T_TextureAssetName”

Width | Height

Choose the size of your texture in pixels. If the Texture will be used with a Material to modify a 3D object, we strongly advise you to pick up a size that is a multiple of 2 (i.e. 128 x 128, 256 x 512, 2048 x 1024, etc).


This dropdown menu will let you choose the image format : Grey 8 (only grey value in 8 bit), BGRA 8 (Blue Green Red Alpha in 8 bit), BGRE 8 (Blue Green Red Exponent in 8 bit), RGBA 16 (Red Green Blue Alpha in 16 bit) and RGBA 16 F (Red Green Blue Alpha in 16 bit float). If you don’t know what Format to use, keep the defaul value.

Frames Per Second

Choose here the framerate of your animation.


Choose the color of the bakcground. It can be transparent, White or Purple (for Normal Map).

Open an Asset

To open a Texture 2D, a Flipbook or an Animation in their corresponding editors, just double click on the asset.
