
Shortcuts can be found in the menu Edit > Editor Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts

There are lots of elements to be configured. Shortcuts that concerns Storyboard can be found when you search for “EPOS”. The shortcuts about animation and drawing can be found when you search for “ILIAD”.


Before you start changing the shortcuts, we advise you to the Keyboard Shortcuts to reset them later. If you don’t do this, the only other solution to reset shortcuts and get the original is to:

  1. Close Odyssey

  2. Go to C:\Users\{USER}\AppData\Local\Odyssey\odyssey-1\Saved\Config

  3. Delete the file EditorKeyBindings.ini

Keyboard Shortcuts are extremely numerous and cannot be listed here. We advise you instead to refer to the corresponding lesson to know the shortcut to a feature you need to use.