The beta version is free !
Is ILIAD Open-source ?
A magician never reveals his tricks !
(so, the answer is : nope)
In the end, we decided to make sources available. This way, people who use a custom version of Unreal Engine can compile ILIAD, and people who are willing to improve ILIAD are welcome to share their work with Praxinos team to make improvements for the whole community.
Is ILIAD vector-based ?
We’ve chosen the bitmap side. However, we consider adding vector-based tools in the future.
What is the Min/Max resolution ?
First, we say definition, not resolution. Second, the minimum size is 1*1 pixel and the maximum size is the same as Unreal Engine : 8196*8196 pixels
Does ILIAD work with a mouse or a tablet ?
Both, but we strongly advise you to use a graphic tablet (Wacom, Huion, etc). However, keep in mind that ILIAD use Ink API at the moment, not Wintab API yet (work-in-progress).
Is ILIAD pressure-sensitive ?
Yes, and many other connections are possible : acceleration, altitude, azimuth, angle (normal, vector, tangent), distance along stroke, jolt, pitch, roll, yaw, speed and twist.
What type of assets can be edited with ILIAD ?
Any kind of 2D textures (diffuse, normal, specular, etc.)
Are Photoshop brushes compatible with ILIAD ?
Not at all : the engine used to build brushes is totally different. Odyssey brushes are Blueprint-based.
What is the Bit depth ?
You can create 8-bit 2D textures and you can edit 8-bit, 16-bit and 32-bit textures.
Can we paint directly in the viewport ?
Not yet.
Can we animate ?
Well… you can do it if you combine ILIAD with Flipbook. But we must be honest here : this is not the best way to animate. Be patient, we are building dedicated tools to do this

Can we use ILIAD in runtime ?
Yup !
Can we paint seamlessly ?
Yup, thanks to our Odyssey brushes that use Bluperint. By the way, there is a seamless brush included by default.
Are there transform tools ?
Not yet, work-in-progress.
Can we use mask / stencils ?
Not yet, work-in-progress.
Are there filters such as noise ?
Not yet, work-in-progress.
Can we create Layer groups / folders ?
Not yet, work-in-progress.
What is Odyssey release date ?