# Nodes Odyssey brushes require specific nodes and variables to offer countless possibilities in term of rendering. These nodes will need input or will return values that are also specific to ILIAD. ## Structure To works properly, in addition of specific nodes and variables, Odyssey Brushes bring 6 types of structures. Let's explain them. 1) **Odyssey Block** An Odyssey Block is a set of pixels made of a Texture 2D (or an array of Texture 2D). It can be subjected to various transformations, such as a resize or a rotation. 2) **Odyssey Color** This structure contains color channels to make a color. An Odyssey Color can be broken into various color models, such as RGBA, CMYK, Lab, HSV and HSL. 3) **Odyssey Font Character** This structure is made of an array of characters to create specific text brushes. 4) **Odyssey Matrix** This structure contains various transformations (rotate, shear, resize, rescale...) and makes the calculation process easier and faster. 5) **Odyssey Pivot** This structure shall be used to modify the pivot of a brush. 6) **Odyssey Rectangle** This structure is an empty block which can be used for instance to crop an Odyssey Block. ---- ## Object Type 1) **New Odyssey Brush** *To be written* 2) **Odyssey Brush Asset Base Object Reference** *To be written* ---- ## Enum Enums are lists to be used for various purposes, for instance to apply a single setting to various nodes at the same time. They always start with the prefix "*E*" 1) **EOdyssey Alpha Mode** Gives you the list of all Alpha Modes available in ILIAD. Alpha Modes affect the Alpha Channel of one or several Odyssey Blocks (transparency / opacity, for instance). 2) **EOdyssey Blending Mode** Gives you the list of all Blending Modes available in ILIAD. Blending modes affect the color blend of one or several Odyssey Blocks (multiply, overlay, screen, for instance). 3) **EOdyssey Channel Depth** Gives you the list of all Channel Depths available in ILIAD 8 bits, 16 bits, 32 bits, 32 bits float, 64 bits float. 4) **EOdyssey Color Model** Gives you the list of all Color Models available in ILIAD : RGB(A), HSL(A), HSV(A), CMYK(A), Lab(A) and Grey(A). You can also create your own personal Enum, which will be explained in a different lesson.